Top 10 Things You Must Know Before Hiring A Mobile Spa Company

27 Août 2014
Top 10 Things You Must Know Before Hiring A Mobile Spa Company

1. What is the Mobile Spa Mobile spas are fun, unique and versatile. With proper equipment and tools, most mobile spas can offer the same type of services remotely as you would find in your local day spa. They provide the perfect union of luxurious spa therapies infused with the intimacy and comforts of home. The Mobile spa is the perfect solution for the busy professional, new moms, seniors or those with mobility challenges. They are ideal for couples looking for the comfort and privacy of their own home, and for hosting corporate events and Spa Parties serving larger groups for any special occasion. With the surging popularity in mobile.

Friendship Is Worth Celebrating

11 Nov 2013
Friendship Is Worth Celebrating

I have to say I am incredibly lucky to be doing what I love. I have been in the spa and beauty business for over 25 years now and love it more every year. I find so much inspiration from the amazing women I meet along the way. Today I run a mobile spa business where professional estheticians and therapists bring the luxury day spa experience right to your doorstep. All very aware of the demands and restrictions of today’s busy world and aging population, we get to see first-hand how the happiness of those around you is infectious and breads a more positive attitude on life. Perhaps it’s the.

5 Tips for creating a Stress-Free Zone

15 Mar 2013
5 Tips for creating a Stress-Free Zone

Stress is a fact of life. We are all born with instinctive stress responses to deal with emergency situations or threats. We developed these stress responses once upon a time to help excite our bodies to the point where we would be able to escape predators and outperform competitors. When a potentially dangerous situation arises, stress hormones are released into our bloodstream. However, today stress is chronic and ongoing and we are now living at such a pace that we activate these stress hormones all the time. The burden that this constant state of arousal can put on our bodies and brains is incredibly unhealthy and draining. This is why.

Seasonal Facials

15 Mar 2013
Seasonal Facials

Just like nature, our skin changes with the rhythms of the seasons. It reacts to the changing humidity levels, UV rays, wind, cold and heat. It is exposed to dust, dirt and pollution on a daily basis. Your skin continuously produces sebum (oils) and sweat. The skin also constantly generates new skin cells at the lower layer (the dermis) and sends them to the surface (the epidermis). As the cells rise to the surface they gradually die and become filled with keratin. These keratinized skin cells are essential because they give our skin its protective quality. But they are constantly sloughing off to make way for younger cells. As we.

‘Tis the Season to be GLAMOROUS!

13 Déc 2012
‘Tis the Season to be GLAMOROUS!

It is officially party season and I am going to share some beauty tips to make you sparkle throughout the festive season. Just a few twists on the average beauty routine may be all you need to feel festive. With the party season in full swing and so much to do, this cycle is sure to rejuvenate. Be Proactive Start planning your Party-Season Beauty Look now, to get noticeable results later. Studies show that 59 per cent of women suffer from dry and dehydrated skin during the winter months. Face, body, lips and hands become chapped, flakey and dull thanks to weeks of moving between cosy central heating to the.

Creating the Smokey Eye

30 Oct 2012
Creating the Smokey Eye

Today’s Smokey eye look goes beyond the traditional black and greys to include softer, neutral shades of browns, taupes and mauves. It’s up to you to go with the depth you are looking for. Remember to have the essential tool like the right brushes and eye shadow powders. Here are the basics: Before applying any eye shadow, whether it be for a Smokey look or not, always apply an eye shadow primer to the entire eyelid. This will stop the colours from fading or caking. 1. The Smokey eye starts with a black eyeliner around the entire eye. Don’t worry too much if the line is a little uneven. You.

Find the right combination – for your skin

13 Fév 2012
Find the right combination – for your skin

What is Combination Skin? If you have some areas of your face normal or dry and tight, while other areas are more shiny and oily, you probably have combination skin. Although this is a very common skin type, it is also one of the most difficult to deal with. You are literally dealing with two different skin types and need to treat them that way. Dry areas tend to be the cheeks. The forehead, nose and chin (T-Zone) will be shiny and may also be prone to pimples and blackheads. What Causes Combination Skin? A variety of factors contribute to combination skin—hormones, weather, products, and the over or under activity.

Eat, Drink and Look Younger!

05 Jan 2012
Eat, Drink and Look Younger!

Your mother was right when she said “eat your fruits and vegetables”! Your skin is your largest organ and the most exposed to elements both inside and out. You can slap on the most expensive creams, but without knowing the whole story you will be sadly disappointed with the results. The great news is that your skin is one area where you can make a noticeable difference to the way you look, FAST. Incorporating these easy and delicious tips, you can start looking and feeling younger within weeks. Eat Foods rich in vitamin A help form and maintain healthy skin, teeth, skeletal and soft tissue, and mucus membranes. It is also.

Five Ways We Can Help You Maintain Your Well-being

12 Déc 2011
Five Ways We Can Help You Maintain Your Well-being

As we age, we are all presented with challenges at some point and at different levels. As aches and pains set in, some seemingly simply tasks have now become daunting due to limited mobility or vision? We may require some assistance to continue enjoying healthy and fulfilling lives, and that is perfectly fine. Often, the real challenge is finding information on what is available and getting access to practical assistance for peace of mind. · Personal Safety and Mobility: Accessibility can be an issue at stores and large malls from architectural design, long hall-ways, heavy doors and crowds. Lousy weather makes it difficult and dangerous to walk or drive. Walking.

Tips To Preventing Eye Bags and Dark Circles

07 Nov 2011
Tips To Preventing Eye Bags and Dark Circles

Do you wake up in the morning with bags under your eyes that make you look like you are more amphibious than human? What caused them and how can you prevent them? Below I will discuss some tips on how to get rid of bags under eyes so that you can wake up looking radiant! You will also learn common symptoms and the leading causes of puffy eyes and dark circles. Choose the right eye treatments Some wrinkle creams plump up the skin to reduce wrinkles which may give your eyes a puffy appearance. If puffiness is an issue, be sure that you choose products with anti-inflammatory properties. If dark.